Friday, August 10, 2007


Kingdom Kids has just gained three very talented people as leaders. Read about them and their ministries below:

Debbie Howell is the Kingdom Kids Church Director. She has been helping out and leading in Kids Church for almost a year. Debbie will be responsible for all aspects of Kids Church each week including developing a team of leaders, creative programming, music, training Kids Praise teams and integrating children into the main worship service. As Debbie leads music in front of Kids Church , she loves to see the light of God’s love and grace shining through the faces of the kids. She says, “I never knew that serving God could be this much fun! It’s also been awesome to see God assemble the most amazing team of adults to form our Children’s Worship Team. Yeah God!”

Rajinie Dixit has been a faithful leader in children’s Sabbath School for 3 ½ years. Her past experience as a speech-pathologist has given her the organizational skills and patience to oversee all kids Sabbath Schools as Kingdom Kids Sabbath School Director. Rajinie’s favorite part of leading children’s ministry is watching kids learn their memory verses. Her creative energy and friendly attitude make lessons exciting for kids, as well as creating an encouraging atmosphere for other parents to get involved. Rajinie hopes to revitalize Sabbath School by integrating more art and projects into the classes. She also dreams of streamlining the curriculums so that parents can easily implement the stories and lessons into their worship time at home.

Ruth Francis-Williams is the new Director of child Safety Program. She has been involved in Children’s Ministries since February 2006. Ruth is creating a system and process for comprehensive screening and background checks for all volunteers to assure that New Hope is a safe place for children and youth. She realizes that when parents bring their children to New Hope , they expect the environment to be as safe as home. Ruth welcomes parent input in order to provide the best safety system for New Hope . You can contact her at


As New Hope Church reaches out in mission projects through Sharing Our Pantry, we will be collecting food for distribution to senior citizens at Morningside Park Apartments on Guilford Road in Jessup. Deliveries of groceries were made on June 16th and July 21st, but more food is needed and being collected each Sabbath to help the seniors in our community. On August 18th, donations of non-perishable groceries will be sorted, bagged and delivered starting at 12:30 p.m to low-income senior citizens who are hungry in our community. Over 40 residents in this building of 60 units have requested groceries.

This project runs all year through Pointers Run Elementary School and New Hope Church is meeting this community need during the summer as a mission project for Kingdom Kidz. A major hunger problem occurs at the end of the month when one social security check runs out and before the new one arrives. Many seniors have transportation and physical limitation issues that make it difficult for them to get to the area food banks.

The cost of low/no salt, low/no sugar, and diabetic food has sky rocketed. Seniors often face the difficult choice whether to buy food or medicine. The purpose of ‘Sharing Our Pantry' is to assemble nutritionally balanced food packages that will be delivered to low-income seniors. Drop of your donations on Sabbath August 4th, 11th and 18th at the drop boxes in the church hallways and entrances. Additional information is available at Kidz Church registration and the Ask Me Desk. Needed donations:

  • Canned fruits and vegetables
  • Powdered milk & canned soups
  • Tuna, peanut butter, tomato sauce
  • Packaged pasta/mac and cheese
  • Nutritious cereals
  • LOW SALT, NO SUGAR and items for DIABETICS
  • Gift cards to Weis Market, Safeway and Giant Food to purchase fresh meat/dairy items
Together we can help erase hunger among seniors in Howard County!
For more info about this project contact:
Angie Bernard
or Kalani Smith