Saturday, October 11, 2008


Does anyone know someone who can donate a good working computer to a LARS Transitional Housing client? She is a single mother who is taking college courses towards her degree, and the majority of her classes are online. Her computer went up the other day, and it will cost more to repair than it is worth. She really needs the computer soon so she does not fall behind in her course work. If you can help, please email: or call (301) 776-9170 for Lori’s direct line.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Pastor Ann has earned her first pathfinder honor! New Hope has the largest Pathfinder club in the Chesapeake Conference with over 45 young people. The club is very exited about their upcoming camporee this summer in Osh Kosh, Wisconsin. Hopefully Pastor Ann will earn a few more honors by then!

How many Pathfinders have registered this year?
We have close to 50 Pathfinders. We are extending the registration deadline until October 15th. We believe that God is continuing to raise up kids to be a part of this club.

What are the major initiatives being planned this year?
The International Pathfinder Camporee (affectionately called OshKosh) in August 09 is the major initiative for the 08-09 year. It is a once in a lifetime experience for young people - to be able to meet 40,000 other Pathfinders from 100 countries. During this week, young people will worship, learn, do mission projects, and interact together. Between now and then, the Pathfinders will be learning and developing leadership, camping, and outdoor skills that will enable them to fully experience OshKosh. We are also going to be developing a precision drill team and enter our team into both the Conference level and International Level competitions.
Fundraising for OshKosh is also another initiative that will occupy much of the next 11 months. It will cost $800.00 per person to attend OshKosh. Each young person will be raising $500 on their own and the remaining $300 will be raised as a club. The fundraising intitative will allow each young person to learn about personal finances and stewardship.

What changes have you seen in our kids?
New Hope Pathfinder kids are learning 2 major things: 1. Love God; 2. Love each other.
They are learning basic life skills based on Christian values and Biblical principles.
Everytime we travel, I have received numerous comments from observers that the kids are "the most well behaved group of young people I've ever seen." During a recent trip to the Pathfinder Camporee, at a Wawa rest stop, all 45 kids went into the store to buy snacks and junk food. After they returned to the van, I went to the counter with my purchase. The cashiers commented to me that the New Hope Pathfinders exhibited exemplary behavior. Said the manager, "I have had more trouble with 2-3 young people in the store than I had with your 45 kids. Is this a Christian youth group?"

Is it true that young people in the community have joined?
We have a number of unchurched young people in the club. One of the greatest values of this Pathfinder club is "inclusiveness." We want to be the community that Jesus called us to be where people are belonged and accepted and loved.

What is your greatest need?
We have great needs for counselors, especially women counselors. These counselors must have a love for God, a passion for young people, and a commitment to be Godly role models. We are praying for God to raise up such individuals.

The second greatest need is for transportation vehicles to transport 50+ kids not including staff. On our recent Camporee trip, we had to rent three 12-passenger vans plus 3 additional personal vans. It was quite a convoy.

Adventist Risk Management (our insurance carrier) policy will not allow us to transport kids in private cars. Therefore, we will need either a bus or an entire fleet of 12-passenger vans. These vehicles will be used for other youth ministry events also (as our youth ministry is growing by leaps and bounds).

However, at least 2 times a month, we will need to transport the Pathfinder club either to a community mission project, conference event, or outing.

Anything else we should know?
The New Hope Night Hawks are the largest and most ethnically diverse club in the Chesapeake Conference. It is the ONLY club whose Pastor has an official Pathfinder uniform. Every winter, the club distributes food and blankets for the homeless on the streets of Baltimore