Thursday, April 30, 2009


National Day of Prayer is on May 7, 2006. Here is some information on how to participate in Howard County.


Local observances of the National Day of Prayer include:

First Baptist Church, 8901 Washington Street
Sterlind S. Burke, Principal of Hammond High, speaking
7 p.m. with coffee and dessert reception to follow

Mt. Pisgah AME, 5901 Cedar Fern Court, 21044
6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. with special times:
12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.

To participate through song or prayer at noon or in the evening, contact Estelle O'Connor by May 4 at


When Will Jesus Return?
Saturday May 2

Use your orange felt tip pen and underline your Bible with Participant Handout (5) The Blessed Hope.

Twenty Two Small Groups

If you haven't signed up it's still not too late. Look for the Small Group schedule at church this week to find a Small Group that fits your lifestyle. Several new groups have been added to provide you with even more options to choose from including an online group.

Pick up Your Supplies

As you come into church this Saturday be sure you pick up:

Small Group Supplies:
Hope for Your Driving (6) Commandments
Brown Felt Tip Pen

Big Group Supplies:
Racing With Hope(7) Baptism
Powder Blue Felt Tip Pen

And a complete Bible Gift Bag if you haven't yet attended "Living With Hope."


New Hope Pastoral Staff

Friday, April 24, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Big Group continues on Saturday April 25

Use your red felt tip pen and underline your Bible with Participant Handout (3) Salvation in advance of the presentation.

Twenty Two Small Groups

If you haven't signed up its still not too late. Registration will be available this Saturday during the Big Group worship services. Several new groups have been added to provide you with even more options to choose from.

Not Too Late to Extend Invitations

Pray that God will lead you to a spiritually receptive person this week. Invite your friends, neighbors, acquaintances. Give them a large handbill or mini invitation and give them a verbal invitation. Offer to give them a ride to the event.

Pick up Your Supplies

As you come into church this Saturday be sure you pick up:

Small Group Supplies:

* Just Desserts (4) Great Controversy
* Gray Felt Tip Pen

Big Group Supplies:

* The Blessed Hope (5) Second Coming
* Orange Felt Tip Pen

And a complete Bible Gift Bag if you haven't yet attended "Living With Hope."


New Hope Pastoral Staff


While the church is built on the rock Christ Jesus it cannot grow without prayer. Everything must be bathed in prayer. So what do prayer warriors do?

They pray at home and at church for the growth of the body of Christ in both size and character.

Our prayer leader, Lael Savoy, emails prayer requests to the prayer warriors for them to pray over. At church they pray for people after the worship service (you will be part of a roster that lets you know which week you are on). The prayer warriors for that Sabbath pray for the leadership in person. For example, the prayer warrior seeks me out and prays for me before I preach.

On Sunday nights at 7:00 PM the prayer warriors gather over the telephone to pray together. You are supplied with a special number to call. This takes from twenty to thirty minutes of your time.

Prayer Warriors assist with our Prayer Room and special prayer events.

We are looking for Prayer Warriors for Second Service especially. Right now we have NONE. I am praying that the Lord of the Harvest will send more Prayer Warriors into the harvest field.

If you want to join this wonderful group of people call Lael Savoy 410-799-5657 or

It is not a hard ministry but it is a vital ministry. If you are a man or woman of prayer please ask God where He wants you to serve in this very special ministry.