Thursday, April 23, 2009


While the church is built on the rock Christ Jesus it cannot grow without prayer. Everything must be bathed in prayer. So what do prayer warriors do?

They pray at home and at church for the growth of the body of Christ in both size and character.

Our prayer leader, Lael Savoy, emails prayer requests to the prayer warriors for them to pray over. At church they pray for people after the worship service (you will be part of a roster that lets you know which week you are on). The prayer warriors for that Sabbath pray for the leadership in person. For example, the prayer warrior seeks me out and prays for me before I preach.

On Sunday nights at 7:00 PM the prayer warriors gather over the telephone to pray together. You are supplied with a special number to call. This takes from twenty to thirty minutes of your time.

Prayer Warriors assist with our Prayer Room and special prayer events.

We are looking for Prayer Warriors for Second Service especially. Right now we have NONE. I am praying that the Lord of the Harvest will send more Prayer Warriors into the harvest field.

If you want to join this wonderful group of people call Lael Savoy 410-799-5657 or

It is not a hard ministry but it is a vital ministry. If you are a man or woman of prayer please ask God where He wants you to serve in this very special ministry.

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