Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I Would Walk 2,000 Miles…

By A. Grace Brown

Come with me on a journey. We’re walking, we’re walking… Until suddenly you interrupt with a question. A brilliant one, really. Um, how far are we walking? Glad you asked. We’re walking for 2,174 miles; approximately 5 million steps. And then, just like that, we’re not walking anymore. Who would? you might ask.
This summer Jared Nudd became one of the approximately 9,000 people in the U.S. who have successfully taken on the challenge of thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail (AT). If you’ve attended New Hope Church for a while, you might recognize Jared as the quiet, unassuming guy who sometimes volunteers at the Ask Me Desk. If you’re a part of the “newhopeoutdoors” online community, you might also be aware of his growing reputation as a hard-core hiker and outdoors lover.
Jared’s fascination with the Appalachian Trail began many years ago, when he spent a week at Camp Blue Ridge in Montebello, VA. While he and the other campers were hiking up to Spy Rock, Jared noticed a sign that announced that they were on the Appalachian Trail. Not long after that he learned that the AT extended from Georgia to Maine and his interest was piqued. A few years later, while attending Highland View Academy, Jared checked out a book called “Hiking the Appalachian Trail” by James R. Hare and from then on he was hooked. One day, he knew, he would be a thru-hiker too.
When asked why he wanted to attempt such a feat, Jared could give several reasons. Hiking the trail would be an adventure, a learning experience, and a welcome sabbatical from his normal routine. But it would also be a challenge. He notes that, “Eighty percent of the people who try thru-hiking the AT quit for various reasons. Hiking the trail is physically challenging, but the psychological challenges are even greater. I wanted to find out if I had what it takes to endure the hardship and keep walking day after day.”
On May 9, Jared strapped on his backpack and began his 2,174-mile journey from Springer Mountain, Georgia. It was an odyssey that would lead him northbound through 14 states, over all kinds of terrain, in all kinds of weather, and finally end on September 20 in Maine on top of Mount Katahdin, the northern terminus of the AT.
Along the way he would meet some fascinating people, see some breathtaking sights, and pick up a few life lessons that will remain with him for years to come. The Southern balds, Grayson Highlands, New Hampshire’s White Mountains, and all of Maine ranked among his favorite places. And as for the life lessons, perhaps the most important one he learned was that even baby steps count; when the path is harder than expected, by continually putting one foot in front of the other you will eventually reach your goal. Welcome home, Jared! We’re proud of you.

Friday, October 26, 2007


~A Message from Andre Reis,
Musical Director for Christmas

After so many conflicts of schedules, I've decided to change the rehearsal times from Tuesday evening to Sabbath morning during second service. We can rehearse for 45 minutes or so. That will work much better for most of us. Please plan to come to first service and plan stay for the rehearsal. Our first rehearsal is tentatively scheduled for

Sabbath, October 27 at 11:45am.

Praise Team leaders are needed on rehearsals on Sabbath morning as well due to shortage of singers. Please burn a CD with your voice part by following the directions on this link:

Click here to listen and download the music.

You will need to be able to balance your speakers to hear only the voice part (alto, etc) on the Left or only the Band on the Right. The middle will give you the right mix, with the voice part slightly louder. Play with it and find what works for you.

Because time is of the essence, I need to hear back from you ASAP, especially singers if you are or not going to be available at that date, December 15. I also need your address to mail the musical score:

Mailing Address:_____________________________
City and State:_______________________________

Thanks for your sharing your talent at New Hope!
Cell 301.653.2888
Home-office 240.374.1095

Click here to view and download the music

Click here to sign up to be a part of the choir.


Bring your Bibles and explore the book of Ephesians with Pastor David Newman as we learn its meaning for our daily lives today. Every Wednesday at 7pm for a time of meditation, then explore God’s word and then apply it through a time of prayer. For more details contact the church office at 301.854.1866.

November 7 Chosen Last
November 14 Ultimate Security
November 21 Lively Death
November 28 Peaceful Hostility
December 5 Greatest Mystery
December 12 Extreme Love
December 19 United Diversity
December 26 Living Lightly


It's finally here--New Hope's FREE Transportation Ministry! If you need
a ride to church, our FREE shuttle runs before/after the 12:15 church
service. Pickup times and locations are as follows:

10:20-10:30 AM Laurel Mall--pickup @ Burlington Coat Factory
10:45-11:00 AM Columbia Union College--pickup @ Wilkinson Hall
11:15-11:30 AM Takoma Metro
12:00-12:10 PM Scaggsville Park & Ride

For more information, or to make your FREE shuttle reservation, click
the link below.

--You can make a reservation up to a month in advance
--You can make a reservation for a group of up to ten people
--You can come back and edit or remove your reservations
--Reservations must be made no later than Thursday

Click here to make a reservation

Friday, October 19, 2007


If you have or ever have had small children, you know only too well the joys associated with trying to get out on the town on a Saturday night. As with many social dilemmas, New Hope has a solution to the problem; Family Food Friendzy! Using the long-term success of the young adult food friendzy for inspiration, Families began getting together twice a month during the summer at the homes of various volunteer families. E-mails were sent to numerous families and invitations were given to parents and guardians following Sabbath School classes with directions, menus, and a list of all the fun to be had. Rajinie Dixit, originator and one of New Hope’s leading family fun activists stated, “We wanted to provide a place for families to come and socialize in an atmosphere where they could relax. Not everyone has a kid friendly house and restaurants on a Saturday night can be a nightmare.
The families who opened their homes had toys, wipes, diapers—and especially the kind of understanding and patience needed to welcome new family friends.” The success of the summer Family Food Friendzy has prompted its patron members to continue meeting on a less frequent basis. You can e-mail Rajinie Dixit at rajiniedixit@yahoo.com for more details.

~written by Katina Chappell


Every growing church has a network of people that spend most of their time behind the scenes focusing on things that get overlooked by the average person. The work of a Facilities Manager is hard but rewarding, and New Hope gladly welcomes Collier Rowe Sr. to this post. Collier has had extensive experience in "making things work" as he served with the Army Corp of engineers for a number of years in Kentucky and the Maryland area. He also served as a facilities manager at John Nevins Andrews Elementary School in Takoma Park, MD.

Collier works faithfully at New Hope Monday through Friday for 4 hours per day. For him "…working for the church is everything. With God I can tackle anything and it feels good to be close to ministry."

Collier Rowe Sr. is a family man and is married to Lorne (LJ), and is a proud parent of Ebony and Collier Jr. (CJ), and grandfather of Destiny.

Rowe started attending New Hope since its grand opening at the current Fulton campus. He enjoys coming to New Hope worship because it allows him to be free to "fully praise God." He also enjoys the family oriented atmosphere of New Hope and believes that members supporting one another will be a key in the continued growth of New Hope.

~Written by Andre Hastick