Friday, December 26, 2008


Pastor Dixit interviewed New Hope Youth, Jasmine Howell. Listen to her story of how God is working through the youth ministry at New Hope.

Friday, December 19, 2008


This first picture was taken during our first week at New Hope, three years ago. The second photo is an artist concept of what our worship room could look like.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


courtesy of Kidica

Saturday, December 13, 2008

How to Understand the Bible

Take this quick Bible quiz and ask: Which commands do I follow and which ones do I reject?

 Do not murder (Exodus 20:13).
 Do not eat any meat with the blood still in it (Lev. 19:26).
 Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard (Lev. 19:27).
 Do not degrade your daughter by making her a prostitute (Lev. 19:29).
 When you fast put oil on your head and wash your face (Matt. 6:17).

How do you pick and choose what to obey when you read the Bible?

You will learn the following:

❑ How did we get our Bible?
❑ Why are some books in the Bible and some books left out? Who decided?
❑ How was the Bible written and copied?
❑ How do we know if there are any mistakes or not?
❑ What is the difference between principle and application?
❑ Just as a game has rules to play it so does the Bible to understand it. What are these rules?
❑ Who decides what the rules are?
❑ How do we understand difficult Bible texts?

Pastor J. David Newman will be leading this new bible study during prayer meeting beginning, Wednesday, January 7 at 7:00 pm. You will receive a notebook and syllabus. There is a $10 charge to cover the materials. Please register at (Checks made out to New Hope Adventist Church with notation-Prayer Meeting.)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


In 4 weeks, New Hope Church will be hosting 30 homeless men by providing food, shelter, fellowship and support. Each of you have expressed an interest in being a part of this exciting service opportunity which will take place from Sun Jan 4 - Sat Jan 10, 2009.

Thank you so much for volunteering your time and resources! Below is listed some key information:

Volunteer Training
We will host two training opportunities for Winterhaven volunteers:

Sat Dec 20: 2:00-4:00 pm (Lunch will be provided)
Sun Jan 4 : 3:30-5:00 pm (Light refreshments will be provided)

Please RSVP to Paulette at or (240) 388-2793


On Saturday, December 13, Richard Barrons was baptized into the family of God. Earlier in the morning, Pastor Rajkumar Dixit interviewed Richard for this podcast. Listen to his very inspirational story on how God has changed his life.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Hello Parents,

Beginning December 6, 2008 we begin a very special (and critical) event in the life of your Middle School Child.

We start a gender-based small group Bible Study called Becoming a Young Woman of God and Becoming a Young Man of God.

Sabbath mornings, 9:30 - 10:20 AM
Girls meet in Room 111
Boy meet in Room 218

Our team has been praying and preparing for this Bible Study for quite some time. We have been praying and fasting for you (parents) and for your Middle School children.

We are praying and are expecting Holy Spirit change in the lives of your children.
The Team that will be leading this study will be more than teachers. They will be coaches and mentors. The team is:

Krista Mainess Ron Mainess
Angie Bernard Sherman Bernard
Eunice De Jesus Manny Cruz
Ann Roda Jose St. Phard

Parents, your role is going to be mission critical to the success of this study. How you can help will be explained in detail below.

Parent's Role and Responsibility

1. We need you to get your kids here on time every Saturday morning. The program begins 9:30 AM sharp!! Please don't have your Middle Schooler miss out on very important lessons and discussions.

2. We need you to give us permission to talk with your kids on important matters such as virginity, sex, homosexuality, bisexuality, suicide, self-mutilation, drugs and alcohol. We may address some ethical and moral issues such as infidelity, co-habitation, having children outside of marriage, rape, abortion, gay marriage, mercy killing, and racial matters.

Here's the bottom line, these are issues that are prevalent in the news, radio, popular songs, movies, and tv. They are already talking to their friends about these issues. If we do not create a place for kids to talk they will establish their ethical and moral values from the prevailing culture.

3. We need you actively involved. We will be happy to provide you a copy of the curriculum so you can follow along.
We will even share with you (via email) some of the issues that were brought up and discussed by the kids so you can further prompt discussion at home.
We are going to assure the kids that we will keep their comments in confidence unless we have their permission. However, if we are aware of a
situation that is life-threatening or dangerous to the youth or to others, we will be sharing it with the parent/s of that youth.
If you have any questions, please, please contact me, Pastor Ann, at 301-854-1866 (office) or 301-741-1926 (cell).

We (our team) want to be open and transparent with you and will never usurp your authority as parents. Our goal is to support you in helping your middle schooler become a thriving young woman or young man of God.

If you have a daughter, please read the details of this lesson study below.
If you have a son please scroll down to the section that will explain what your son will be studying.

An 8-week curriculum for Middle School gals (grades 6-8)

Goal: Helping middle school girls learn to become the women God has created them to be.
Our middle school girls are told a lot about who they’re supposed to be. Media and culture have a great influence over how they behave, dress, and think, and more often than not, it’s not a very becoming image. Becoming a woman is about more than clothes, makeup, and boyfriends – it is something more. It is about becoming the young women God has created them to be.

Becoming is a study that will help young girls discover who they truly are, and help them see who they can become. Using games, activities, quizzes, projects and crafts, movie clips, music, and stories, girls will be involved in a study that will help them
find their true value. In this study, middle school girls will:

• know their true value and develop self-respect
• gain a godly perspective on body image and modesty
• learn to set goals and boundaries
• begin to understand their feelings
• accept who they are

An 8-week curriculum for Middle School guys (grades 6-8)
Goal: Helping middle school guys become the young men God created them to be.
From the time they’re born, boys are given a “code” to live by: don’t cry, don’t play with dolls, don’t be a wimp…you get the picture. For a middle school guy, it’s tough enough to figure out what it means to just be yourself—let alone how to become a man.
Becoming is an eight-week study that will help young guys discover what it really means to be a man. With fun, interactive activities and age-appropriate discussion questions, this study will help middle school guys learn how they can become the men God created them to be.

In this study, the guys will:
• critically examine what they’ve been taught about what it means to be a man
• explore the rich heritage of men in the Bible
• discover their identity in God
• find new ways to feel confident

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


90% of kids surveys who said it's important to help others; 21% said they'd buy products that donate a portion of sales to a good cause. (KidScreen magazine)

78% of children who had at least one parent working year round, full time. (National Institute of Health)

73.9 million of number of children 17 and under living in the U.S. (

24.7 million number of children who live without their father. (National Fatherhood Initiative)

71% of children's ministry volunteers who report that their "understanding of faith was fundamentally shaped by childhood religious experiences." (Christian News Wire)

34% of preteens who say prayer is important in their life. (The Christian Post)

Father's who had higher levels of religious participation tended to be more engaged with their 1-year-old children than fathers with lower levels. (

SOURCE: Children's Ministry Magazine