Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Take a deep breath before you listen to this podcast with Pastor Ann Roda. There are a million and one things happening in the children and youth ministries at New Hope. In this interview, she will share her passion and vision for ministry at the church.

Friday, February 13, 2009


Want to be involved in ministry but pressed for time?

Here are some ways you can be involved that will take no more than 1 hour a month.

-Create Power Point slides of Kids Church songs. Involves cut/paste from Word to Power Point. Can work from home. 1 hour/month

-Write cards to kids. Need 4 people total. Can work from home. 30 mins-1 hour/month

-Serve as Kingdom Kids registration staff. Must like to smile. 1 hour/month

-Organize and maintain the Quiet Bags. Need 2 people to alternate weeks. 10 mins/week

-Like to talk on the phone? Help making reminder calls. Can work from home. 15 mins/week

-Love to clean and organize? Help keep Kids Church room clean and organized. Need 2 people total. 1 hour/month

If you are interested, please contact Pastor Ann, 301-741-1926 or Lynne, 301-854-1866 x11.


Turn your unwanted books into scholarships. GC Women’s Ministries is collecting books, videos, CDs, DVDs, and puzzles for the department’s next “Scholarshipping Our Sisters” (SOS) book sale in early April. SOS scholarships help Adventist women around the world complete their college educations and secure a stable future for themselves and their families. Call Karen Banner at 301.680.6020 to donate books.