Thursday, December 20, 2007
One day, Desmond came to a place in his life when he realized he needed something more. He recalls a time when it became clear to him that the traditional approach to church simply wasn't meeting his needs. During this time, it was not uncommon for him to feel frustrated and drained after attending worship. Attending New Hope, however, provided Desmond with a much needed breath of spiritual fresh air. The "come as you are" ministry emphasis of New Hope was a major drawing point for him, and he felt led by God to become a member.
Desmond believes that the diversity, warmth, and praise common in New Hope are a reflection of heaven. This enthusiastic member has not attended alone, but has brought family to the church several times. Children's church and the music in worship consistently connect with his family members when they visit.
Desmond describes New Hope as a "spirit-filled, loving, inclusive, diverse, people-oriented church." Here's a simplified translation: It's a place where you belong.
One of the more noteworthy incidences occurred in the last hour, 6-7 PM. While Rebecca Nyakiti prayed at the Place of Surrender station, some of the decorative trees surrounding that station suddenly fell, the largest and heaviest tree barely missing her. It was obvious that Rebecca was intent on her purpose because she never flinched, moved or stopped praying when the trees fell or as the trees were moved. It appeared that something or someone did not want her to continue to pray. ~ by Lael Savoy
Being part of a small group at New Hope could be the best thing you do for yourself in 2008!
There are three key reasons we need small groups in our churches: they build Christian community, they empower members for ministry, and they complement larger groups. “In order for today’s disciples to love one another as Jesus said we should, today’s church also needs a network of small groups that will develop the community in and through which that love can be demonstrated.”
As part of the discipleship/small group ministry, New Hope is rolling out a new initiative in 2008 to respond to the need expressed by members in a recent church survey As a result of a recent Discipleship Ministry/ Small Groups team leader meeting, we now have the following:
• Mission Statement: "Helping people experience spiritual transformation in their relationship with God and with one another."
• Vision Statement: "Building Community"
• 4 Core Values
Connect...experience meaningful conversation and learn to live beyond yourself.
Cultivate...develop your mind and character in an engaging Christian community.
Challenge...expand your comfort zone and find out what you're really made of.
Change…find your strength in total surrender to Christ and His purpose for you.
To get started on this new effort, the church is offering an exciting opportunity in January for members. Known as “Growthgroups,” this seminar features small group coach Milton Adams for equipping small group leaders. "Growthgroups are not a gimmick. And they're not an event. They're a process. Come learn how to lead, co-lead, or host a small group in this safe, fun, learning environment."
Small groups are increasingly being recognized as an integral part of one’s spiritual development. “Small groups make disciples. …A disciple, by definition, is a fully committed follower of Christ, so we become disciples from the day we decide to follow Jesus, and we remain disciples throughout our lives.” Cox defines a disciple as one who:
• Walks with God, enjoys a personal relationship with Jesus and seeks to keep in step with the Holy Spirit;
• Studies the word of God, constantly growing in understanding and obedience while endeavoring to apply its teachings to all areas of life, and
• Responds to Christ’s commission, equipped with the gifts He has given, to make other disciples for Him through a life of witness and service in the community.
The Growthgroups training event is free for attendees because it is sponsored by the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. All you need to do is register online at The seminar will be held at New Hope Church on Jan. 25 (7:00 pm-9:00 pm) and Jan. 26 (1:30 pm-5:00 pm).
And in the meantime, there are a number of active small groups at New Hope that should appeal to just about anyone. Come check us out!
One small group full of fun and joyous study of God’s word is held by women at New Hope. Members met recently for tea and homemade cookies to celebrate the Christmas season and the end of a year of spiritual growth and blossoming friendships.
“As part of this group for several years now, I can’t imagine living without our weekly Bible study,” said Anne Woodworth, co-leader. “These women have become dear friends. We’ve learned so much, and supported one another through life’s joys and sorrows.”
While personal Bible study and prayer, and corporate worship on Sabbath are important, small groups play a unique function in the lives of their members. And this is a model Jesus Christ used in training up and fellowshipping with His close-knit band of followers.
“Small groups produce disciples who lead, disciples who work, disciples who contribute to the kingdom of God, disciples who reach the lost, disciples who nurture one another, and disciples who, while they are doing these things, actually enjoy themselves!”
In years past, the women’s small group has also participated in community service activities such as providing baskets of necessities, gifts and gift cards to families at the Howard County Domestic Violence Center. “We believe this group helps us strengthen our relationships with God, with each other, and with community members,” explained one long-standing member.
Women are invited to join this small Bible study group at the next meeting on Jan. 8. The group will be reading "Having a Mary Spirit: Allowing God to Change You From the Inside Out," by Joanna Weaver. The group meets Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm at a house in the Silver Spring area. For details, contact Anne Woodworth at or by calling (301) 768-8435.
Prayer Meeting will be moving into the auditorium next year under the new name New Community Prayze. We are looking for musicians, sound engineers, ushers, greeters, and prayer warriors, plus an executive producer. This will be a high energy time of praise, worship, study, and prayer. It is designed for the whole family to participate in. More details will be coming later. Please fill out the information blank in the bulletin telling us how you will help make this a powerful life changing time for God’s people. For more information talk to Pastor Newman, pastor for prayer or Lael Savoy, New Hope Prayer Leader.
ages are invited to join a small Bible study group when we start a new topic
Jan. 8, 2008. The group meets Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm in the Silver Spring
area. The book we will be studying over the next 10 weeks is "Having a Mary
Spirit: Allowing God to Change You From the Inside Out," by Joanna Weaver.
She also authored "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World." For more details,
please contact Anne Woodworth at or by calling (301)
Friday, December 14, 2007
A Note from Dave Wooster New Hope Sharing Our Strength (SOS) Director
My best to you,
Dave Wooster
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
The Holiday Love Offering this year will be split equally to support the Pathfinder Camporee to Osh Kosh, and Sharing Our Strength Mission Initiatives.
The Pathfinders have a enormous task to raise over $60,000 for trip expenses. "We are starting early," Pastor Ann Roda said, "because the tickets for this event go on sale this Spring and we have to buy the early." The camporee tickets are a hot commodity, and are sold out very easily. The average attendance of this event is upwards of 40,000 young people. "It is a life changing experience for our young people," said Roda.
The Sharing Our Strength missions board is planning an ambitious year. Having already committed to supporting an orphanage in Haiti, working in Mississippi, and planning a summer mission trip to Mozambique, the group is focusing on local mission near New Hope Church. The mission board will be announcing in the coming weeks some local initiatives members can begin to get involved with.
The church board voted on November 19 to raise $100,000 for these endeavors. New Hope Church members have traditionally been supportive of the holiday love offering, above and beyond their regular giving.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Fresh vegetables
Grocery Store Gift Cards
Legumes (Lentils)
Canned Fruit
Canned Vegetables
Fresh Fruit & Vegetables
Traditional Thanksgiving sides
Monday, November 12, 2007
Mission emphasis meeting next week after 1st service in the multi-purpose room. Lunch will be provided. Recaps on Haiti, Mississippi, upcoming Mozambique trip, and other local outreach opportunities. Please RSVP for lunch before tomorrow, November 11 to
Read a note from Dave Wooster, SOS director below:
Hello Mission-Minded People!
If you are receiving this email, it is because you have expressed an interest in the missions that New Hope has been involved with in the past and/or the plans that New Hope has for missions in the future. We will be discussing these things at the Mission Emphasis meeting this Saturday, where we plan to cover:
1. Interviews with mission-minded members of New Hope explaining why they give of themselves in this way
2. Recap of 2007 Mississippi Hurricane Katrina relief trips
3. Recap of local "Sharing Our Pantry/Food on the 15th" initiative
4. Recap of Eden Garden Orphanage and what was done with the donation New Hope sent there in 2007
5. Upcoming plans for the 2008 Maranatha trip to Mozambique
6. Other plans for 2008 for local and domestic outreach
I believe this will be a great time of fellowship and sharing of passion for others. Lunch will be provided following first service in the multi-purpose room starting around 12:15-12:30, depending on when kids church empties out. We will plan to eat first and then start the meeting after the meal is done. If you have not contacted us yet, please respond to this e-mail so we know how many to plan for the meal. If you need childcare, please let us know how many children you are bringing along with your RSVP for lunch.
Please try to make this meeting and come with open hearts and willing hands. I believe God has BIG plans for New Hope in this area for 2008 and that involves ALL of you! Let’s get this epidemic started!
Dave Wooster/SOS
You can contact Dave directly at
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
I'm very excited about the Christmas Musical Everything Glorious we're performing at New Hope this year! It won a Dove Award for best Musical in 2007. Check it out here
Our first rehearsal for Everything Glorious was last Saturday Nov 3. We had a great turnout, the energy level was very high and it sounded great!
We'll meet again this coming Sabbath NOV 10, 2007 @ 11:45 am/right after first service. Please come to the multipurpose room as soon as first service is over.
Complete rehearsal schedule is and songs is here:
Thanks for sharing your talent at New Hope and see you Sabbath. Any questions call or email.
Andre Reis
Cell 301.653.2888
Home-office 240.374.1095
A Message from Katina Chappell
I recently read an article in the Washington Post about Milky Way’s new “Milky Way On-the Go” bar in which the journalist rightly satirizes our busy modern day society whose need for speed has created the demand for “on-the-go” candy bars. And while I join the reporter in his harmless mockery, I have to look at the root cause, as any good satire will want for you to do, and wonder at what can be done for a society that is so busy that it must market its candy bars as “on-the-go”? The root cause, I think, is harmful. And all this I say, not to be preachy, or to presuppose the answers but only to apologize for letting the book club be lax for as long as it has been. It lies dormant no more!
Even if I didn’t want to do book club anymore, which is not the case, I couldn’t stay silent about this next book because it is so amazing. I have found an author who is so exciting, so refreshing, so compelling, that I must share his work with all of you. Even if you are not in book club for the read, get this book* and just take your time with it, because I think you will find it that rewarding.
The book is called Searching for God Knows What by Donald Miller. As someone who grew up a Christian since birth but continues to have lows and highs in my Christian faith this book spoke to me—giving voice to some of the doubts, fears and disappointments associated with the type of religious experiences I was looking for in the past and countering it with the joy of what I should be looking for. If you’ve been a Christian a long time, it is NOT the same-old thing you’ve always heard. I was first attracted to this author through his book Blue like Jazz which I thought was an interesting title for a Christian book. Throughout that book and Searching for God Knows What, Miller continues with the interesting titles and presents God, the bible and faith in such an interesting and refreshing way that you will feel enlightened. Let me give you some examples of the chapter titles from the book:
Fine Wine: The Failure of Formulas
Naked: Why Nudity is the Point
Children of Chernobyl : Why did God Leave?
Adam, Eve, and the Alien: How the Fall makes You Feel
A Circus of Redemption: Why a Three-Legged Man is better than a Bearded Woman
Religion: A Public Relations Campaign for God
The Gospel of Jesus: Why William Shakespeare was a Prophet
Each chapter is written almost like an essay that could stand alone but they do build on each other and I guarantee you—you will not want to read just one. It took me 4 hours to read 3\4 of the book (but, I do admit the girls were not around)
Okay, so this is not an “on-the-go” book review but I personally wanted to hype this book more than any of the other ones because it has been so inspiring to me.
* This time, there is a special offer for those who wish to participate in reading our book club choice. First of all, if you think you might be too busy to pick up the book or order it, I will do that for you and bring it to church for you to get there. You will have to pay me the cost of the book and whatever the shipping ends up to be once I order for everyone who decides to take me up on this option—but there will be no extra “handlers” fee! Please let me know by email or in person or by phone on or before next Sabbath—Nov. 10 if you want me to do that for you.
Additionally, Rej and I are talking about planning a weekend spiritual retreat of sorts for those who can get away to really talk about this book and what it means, how we can grow ourselves spiritually from what we learn of Jesus in it etc. etc. This will probably take place in February, but we do not have a specific date yet. However, that is the goal ladies! Read it by FEB>!
We still intend on having a December out-to-eat and shopping trip so maybe that date will be a good time to check in with everybody to make sure the book has been acquired.
Okay, I know I’ve taken up enough of your time for one email--but reading these short essays is good practice for the book.
Love and blessings to all!
You may contact Katina directly at katinac5@MSN.COM
Click here for more details about the book
Thursday, November 1, 2007
The class is meeting during the forty days of prayer emphasis at New Hope. Prayer Meeting is offered every Wednesday at 7:00pm weekly.
Photo taken with LG camera phone
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
I Would Walk 2,000 Miles…
Come with me on a journey. We’re walking, we’re walking… Until suddenly you interrupt with a question. A brilliant one, really. Um, how far are we walking? Glad you asked. We’re walking for 2,174 miles; approximately 5 million steps. And then, just like that, we’re not walking anymore. Who would? you might ask.
This summer Jared Nudd became one of the approximately 9,000 people in the U.S. who have successfully taken on the challenge of thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail (AT). If you’ve attended New Hope Church for a while, you might recognize Jared as the quiet, unassuming guy who sometimes volunteers at the Ask Me Desk. If you’re a part of the “newhopeoutdoors” online community, you might also be aware of his growing reputation as a hard-core hiker and outdoors lover.
Jared’s fascination with the Appalachian Trail began many years ago, when he spent a week at Camp Blue Ridge in Montebello, VA. While he and the other campers were hiking up to Spy Rock, Jared noticed a sign that announced that they were on the Appalachian Trail. Not long after that he learned that the AT extended from Georgia to Maine and his interest was piqued. A few years later, while attending Highland View Academy, Jared checked out a book called “Hiking the Appalachian Trail” by James R. Hare and from then on he was hooked. One day, he knew, he would be a thru-hiker too.
When asked why he wanted to attempt such a feat, Jared could give several reasons. Hiking the trail would be an adventure, a learning experience, and a welcome sabbatical from his normal routine. But it would also be a challenge. He notes that, “Eighty percent of the people who try thru-hiking the AT quit for various reasons. Hiking the trail is physically challenging, but the psychological challenges are even greater. I wanted to find out if I had what it takes to endure the hardship and keep walking day after day.”
On May 9, Jared strapped on his backpack and began his 2,174-mile journey from Springer Mountain, Georgia. It was an odyssey that would lead him northbound through 14 states, over all kinds of terrain, in all kinds of weather, and finally end on September 20 in Maine on top of Mount Katahdin, the northern terminus of the AT.
Along the way he would meet some fascinating people, see some breathtaking sights, and pick up a few life lessons that will remain with him for years to come. The Southern balds, Grayson Highlands, New Hampshire’s White Mountains, and all of Maine ranked among his favorite places. And as for the life lessons, perhaps the most important one he learned was that even baby steps count; when the path is harder than expected, by continually putting one foot in front of the other you will eventually reach your goal. Welcome home, Jared! We’re proud of you.
Friday, October 26, 2007
~A Message from Andre Reis,
Musical Director for Christmas
After so many conflicts of schedules, I've decided to change the rehearsal times from Tuesday evening to Sabbath morning during second service. We can rehearse for 45 minutes or so. That will work much better for most of us. Please plan to come to first service and plan stay for the rehearsal. Our first rehearsal is tentatively scheduled for
Sabbath, October 27 at 11:45am.
PLEASE REPLY TO CONFIRM YOUR PRESENCE. Praise Team leaders are needed on rehearsals on Sabbath morning as well due to shortage of singers. Please burn a CD with your voice part by following the directions on this link:
Click here to listen and download the music.
You will need to be able to balance your speakers to hear only the voice part (alto, etc) on the Left or only the Band on the Right. The middle will give you the right mix, with the voice part slightly louder. Play with it and find what works for you.
Because time is of the essence, I need to hear back from you ASAP, especially singers if you are or not going to be available at that date, December 15. I also need your address to mail the musical score:
Mailing Address:_____________________________
City and State:_______________________________
Thanks for your sharing your talent at New Hope!
Cell 301.653.2888
Home-office 240.374.1095
Click here to view and download the music
Bring your Bibles and explore the book of Ephesians with Pastor David Newman as we learn its meaning for our daily lives today. Every Wednesday at 7pm for a time of meditation, then explore God’s word and then apply it through a time of prayer. For more details contact the church office at 301.854.1866.
November 7 Chosen Last
November 14 Ultimate Security
November 21 Lively Death
November 28 Peaceful Hostility
December 5 Greatest Mystery
December 12 Extreme Love
December 19 United Diversity
December 26 Living Lightly
a ride to church, our FREE shuttle runs before/after the 12:15 church
service. Pickup times and locations are as follows:
10:20-10:30 AM Laurel Mall--pickup @ Burlington Coat Factory
10:45-11:00 AM Columbia Union College--pickup @ Wilkinson Hall
11:15-11:30 AM Takoma Metro
12:00-12:10 PM Scaggsville Park & Ride
For more information, or to make your FREE shuttle reservation, click
the link below.
--You can make a reservation up to a month in advance
--You can make a reservation for a group of up to ten people
--You can come back and edit or remove your reservations
--Reservations must be made no later than Thursday
Click here to make a reservation
Friday, October 19, 2007
The families who opened their homes had toys, wipes, diapers—and especially the kind of understanding and patience needed to welcome new family friends.” The success of the summer Family Food Friendzy has prompted its patron members to continue meeting on a less frequent basis. You can e-mail Rajinie Dixit at for more details.
~written by Katina Chappell
Collier works faithfully at New Hope Monday through Friday for 4 hours per day. For him "…working for the church is everything. With God I can tackle anything and it feels good to be close to ministry."
Collier Rowe Sr. is a family man and is married to Lorne (LJ), and is a proud parent of Ebony and Collier Jr. (CJ), and grandfather of Destiny.
Rowe started attending New Hope since its grand opening at the current Fulton campus. He enjoys coming to New Hope worship because it allows him to be free to "fully praise God." He also enjoys the family oriented atmosphere of New Hope and believes that members supporting one another will be a key in the continued growth of New Hope.
~Written by Andre Hastick
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Are you ready to jump start your personal prayer life? New Hope will embark on a life changing series. Get ready to see transforming results with your relationship with God. Each Sabbath the pastoral team will share powerful expositions of Scripture on prayer testimonies from New Hope members. We will conclude with a 24-hour prayer session November 16-17. We encourage existing small groups and new small groups to order the book, Love to Pray, and the Love to Pray Study Guide from:
A class on Christian meditation and contemplation will begin on October 9, led by Pastor Dixit. Learn to discover God’s voice through silence an intentional listening.
Forty Days of Prayer Calendar of Events:
October 6 : 40 Days of Prayer Begins
October 9 : Meditation & Contemplation Class begins
Led by Pastors Dixit & Hastick
October 10: Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting Meets every week
October 30: Prayer and Meditation at the Labyrinth
Trip to the National Cathedral, led by Pastor Dixit
November 16-17: 24 Hours of Prayze
Friday, August 10, 2007
Debbie Howell is the Kingdom Kids Church Director. She has been helping out and leading in Kids Church for almost a year. Debbie will be responsible for all aspects of Kids Church each week including developing a team of leaders, creative programming, music, training Kids Praise teams and integrating children into the main worship service. As Debbie leads music in front of Kids Church , she loves to see the light of God’s love and grace shining through the faces of the kids. She says, “I never knew that serving God could be this much fun! It’s also been awesome to see God assemble the most amazing team of adults to form our Children’s Worship Team. Yeah God!”
Rajinie Dixit has been a faithful leader in children’s Sabbath School for 3 ½ years. Her past experience as a speech-pathologist has given her the organizational skills and patience to oversee all kids Sabbath Schools as Kingdom Kids Sabbath School Director. Rajinie’s favorite part of leading children’s ministry is watching kids learn their memory verses. Her creative energy and friendly attitude make lessons exciting for kids, as well as creating an encouraging atmosphere for other parents to get involved. Rajinie hopes to revitalize Sabbath School by integrating more art and projects into the classes. She also dreams of streamlining the curriculums so that parents can easily implement the stories and lessons into their worship time at home.
Ruth Francis-Williams is the new Director of child Safety Program. She has been involved in Children’s Ministries since February 2006. Ruth is creating a system and process for comprehensive screening and background checks for all volunteers to assure that New Hope is a safe place for children and youth. She realizes that when parents bring their children to New Hope , they expect the environment to be as safe as home. Ruth welcomes parent input in order to provide the best safety system for New Hope . You can contact her at
This project runs all year through Pointers Run Elementary School and New Hope Church is meeting this community need during the summer as a mission project for Kingdom Kidz. A major hunger problem occurs at the end of the month when one social security check runs out and before the new one arrives. Many seniors have transportation and physical limitation issues that make it difficult for them to get to the area food banks.
The cost of low/no salt, low/no sugar, and diabetic food has sky rocketed. Seniors often face the difficult choice whether to buy food or medicine. The purpose of ‘Sharing Our Pantry' is to assemble nutritionally balanced food packages that will be delivered to low-income seniors. Drop of your donations on Sabbath August 4th, 11th and 18th at the drop boxes in the church hallways and entrances. Additional information is available at Kidz Church registration and the Ask Me Desk. Needed donations:
- Canned fruits and vegetables
- Powdered milk & canned soups
- Tuna, peanut butter, tomato sauce
- Packaged pasta/mac and cheese
- Nutritious cereals
- Gift cards to Weis Market, Safeway and Giant Food to purchase fresh meat/dairy items
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Friday, May 4, 2007
We hope that you're doing well and that God is continuing to richly bless you.
We just wanted to reach out to you to say that we're so excited that you are participating in the “When God’s People Pray” series! Together, we look forward to continuing our journey with one another in discovering the keys to powerful prayer.
We wanted to get in touch with you to give you a friendly reminder that between now and next Wednesday, in your “When God’s People Pray" Participant Guide, please read page 16 the “Personal Reflection” section and answer the questions on that page, as well as read and complete pages 17-21.
We look forward to seeing you all next Wednesday, May 9, in Room 209, where we will learn about the “Amazing Power of Prayer”! We look forward to seeing you at 7 PM, as we will start promptly at 7:05 PM, as it is our plan to wrap-up our series each week by 8:30 PM.
We realize that the temperature was too warm in our room last week. We have already made arrangements for the room temperature to be cooler. We also realize that we've outgrown Room 209. We are currently trying to secure a larger room. If we're able to move to a larger room, we will either notify you via e-mail or there will be clear signs and directions at the church as to our new room location.
If you have family members and/or friends who are interested in participating in this series, it’s not too late for them to attend and we welcome them to join us! At the end of this e-mail is additional information on our series. Please let us know if they need a “When God’s People Pray” Participant Guide, as we have a few left for purchase.
Cost: $8.00. Please know that childcare is available for children ages 3-10 in the Multi-Purpose Room from 7-8:30 PM.
We look forward to next week and the weeks to come!
Please do not hesitate to e-mail us with any questions that you may have.
Wishing you a wonderful Sabbath!
God bless,
New Hope Prayer Ministry
Do you have a Prayer Request?
E-mail New Hope Prayer Ministry at or submit your prayer request through the church web site and we'll pray for you!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Visit for a preview of auction items. The cost is $35 in advance / $40 at the door Visa/Mastercard, Check or Cash willbe accepted.
Click here to upload a flyer.
Let It Rise - March 3rd.
My Redeemer Lives - Jan. 27th
I Am Free - Dec. 31st
Days of Elijah – Sept. 9th
-Jim Cymbala-
New Hope Church Prayer Ministry invites you, your family, and friends to join us for a 5-week series on discovering the keys to powerful prayer through Senior Pastor of Brooklyn Tabernacle Church, Jim Cymbala’s teachings and series “When God’s People Pray”!
This 5-week series will be led by New Hope Church’s Prayer Warriors and will start @ 7 PM in New Hope Church’s Room 221/223, every Wednesday Night starting on May 2, 2007 and will end on Wednesday, May 30, 2007.
We’ll be transformed over 5 weeks as we explore:
1. God’s Heart for Us
2. The Amazing Power of Prayer
3. Obedience in Prayer
4. The Word of God and Prayer
5. Why Prayer Matters
In advance to this upcoming series, please purchase a “When God’s People Pray Participant’s Guide: Six Sessions on the Transforming Power of Prayer”, by Jim Cymbala. You can purchase this Participant’s Guide at a discounted price through Christian by visiting their website at or by calling 1-800-247-4784.
For more information on this series, please contact New Hope Church Prayer Ministry via e-mail at:
ALL are welcome to attend and participate!
Friday, March 30, 2007
They came from all over the tri-state area. People lined up to share personal testimonies on God’s working of miracles in their lives. Over 120 people attended New Hope Church’s Miracle and Healing Night on March 2 to sing praise songs, listen to Pastor Kumar Dixit preach the message “God Knows Your Name,” and pray in groups according to needs. “Pastor Newman was handing out hugs like hot cakes,” noted one enthusiastic member.
During testimonies, one woman shared how God answered her prayer for financial help in a way that led her to a new job for more income so her kids could both attend Christian schools. Liz Moore gave God full credit for major changes in her life over the past year that have resulted in physical, emotional and spiritual healing. “Now I am not dying physically or spiritually anymore.” And Becky Timon started the Ask Me Desk in November in answer to prayer as part of the First Impact Ministry at New Hope. Since then it has grown to more than 17 volunteers. She held a recent training luncheon for this ministry and welcomes more volunteers to participate in this special activity.
Other testimonies of miracles had to do with family relationships. Ginge and Eric Straw brought son Jacob before the congregation. He is clearly a beautiful answer to their prayers over a year ago for a child. Similarly, Lydia and Timothy Atagebe have a new baby girl as an answer to their prayers. Another woman noted healing for her daughter 30 weeks into a high-risk pregnancy – since then the baby was born and is doing well, as is the mother. “When we pray, we still may go through tough times, but God is with you right through the trials,” she stated.
Also, one attendee testified that she came last year to Miracle and Healing Night for healing in her relationship with her father after her parents divorced 30 years ago. Since those prayers, communication between them has improved, she was invited to spend time with her father and his family, and she has met her siblings. “God answers our prayers in His own time,” she explained. Someone else talked about what New Hope Church has meant to her in terms of challenging her preconceptions about the denomination. Her mother received healing after surgery recently. A young man emphasized the acceptance he and his friends feel at New Hope after facing rejection elsewhere. His father and uncle are struggling with prostrate cancer and need prayer, although God is already at work in healing and extending their lives.
Pastor Dixit encouraged people to pray for themselves and others if suffering from physical illness, depression, marital and emotional problems, financial difficulties, guidance on a spiritual journey, reaching a crossroads, or anything else preventing one from living a fulfilling life. “When we pray, the Lord sends legions of angels and friends to come into your life to encourage and support you,” he warned. “When we pray for other people we better be prepared. Then we are not just fighting our own spiritual warfare, but we are fighting on behalf of others.” He noted we need to “gird ourselves” in the armor of God (see Ephesians 6:10-20).
Miracle and Healing Night began two years ago under the prayer ministry at New Hope. Renee Rucker, leader of the prayer team, and Seema Rodriguez head up one of the most active ministries of the church. “Yet again, God showed up – as He always does,” enthused Seema Rodriguez.
“It is these kinds of experiences that make us love one another as we open up about our lives and are vulnerable with one another and with God,” asserted member Anne Woodworth. “It was a cleansing experience,” Renee Rucker affirmed.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
As of last Saturday, the West entrance has been broken and now is blocked off from use.
I just spoke with Gilmar who informed me that we are having all three entrances worked on in the near future.
I know that these issues create an inconvenience for everyone but please know that we are trying to get these issues resolved as soon as possible.
Thanks for your patience. Written by Liz Moore
Sofie Lang-Bradford has always been a Christian, but it wasn’t until college when she accepted Jesus as her personal Savior as a matter of choice. And the past five years she has experienced unprecedented spiritual growth in new ways in her daily life, especially since she opened her own business last year. She came to an understanding that material things of this world do not matter – instead, it is the eternal perspective that she is adopting. “I have a more mature spiritual discernment of the ways God is working in my life and in circumstances around me.”
Sofie grew up as the oldest of four children in a military family. Born in Georgia, she was raised in California until she was 16 years. She moved around with her family thereafter, and graduated from the University of Georgia with a B.A. in economics. At that point, she went into the Air Force as a 2nd Lieutenant and was stationed in Korea, where she met her husband Rolandrias (a.k.a. Skee), also a 2nd Lieutenant in the Air Force. It was love at first sight -- after six weeks they were engaged, and married in four months.
They were soon separated when she returned to Florida and he was sent to Iraq for Desert Storm. Their first child Chelsea was born, now age 14. Then Hurricane Andrew hit and destroyed their home. The family lived in Alabama, then the United Kingdom. Both parents were still in the military, but soon ranked captains. Sofie left the military after the birth of her second daughter, Taylor (now age 12). The family moved to Ohio where Sofie worked as a homemaker for a year. Then in 1997 her husband left the military and they both took jobs with Bell Atlantic (nowVerizon) in Baltimore, Maryland. They soon had son Joshua, age 6, and son Dylan, age 3. In 2003 Sofie went back to school to get her Masters in Business Administration, unaware how God would put her advanced education into practice soon thereafter.
“All along I could see events in my life transpiring according to God’s plan, not necessarily mine,” Sofie explained. After the family built a house in the Fulton area they decided to start a business for more economic security. They trusted God to “open and close the doors” of opportunity to guide them in their choices. About eight months ago the couple opened a coffee shop – Sofie does not even drink coffee, but she loves to talk to people, has a very engaging personality, and embraced the idea of establishing a gathering place for the local community. Her shop, The Daily Grind at Maple Lawn shopping center on route 216, opened in July 2006. It has been a lot of hard work to get started, especially with four children and her husband working full time elsewhere. Now she employs 17 people on a part-time basis and can be found there daily herself.
“We in American society lack community gathering places to meet, chat and simply hang out,” Sofie noted. She wanted to address that need in Fulton with her business. It has been very rewarding, she explained, to see how quickly the idea of a community gathering place has been embraced by the community.
“We have several Bible study groups meeting weekly here, pastors from many churches come to work on their sermons, families meet to share meals, youth soccer teams come for celebrations.” The Daily Grind has a cozy environment, with decorations in shades of coffee such as latte-colored walls, black modular furniture, cinnamon tones in the chairs and tables, and a fireplace surrounded by leather couches and chairs. Reasonably priced items are offered such as coffee, juice, other drinks, baked goods (muffins, bagels), panini sandwiches, chili, soups and salads, and Italian gelato.
“The past year has been a struggle, stressful in ways, but God has helped so much,” Sofie noted. “He has brought incredible people into my life. Moreover, I have a deeper reliance on the Lord than ever before -- I have to pray daily to meet our needs.” Her relationship with God has grown stronger than ever, there is a growing trust and her anxiety about things is greatly reduced.
“We want to start up some new events in the spring and summer such as live music by local artists on Saturday evenings and activities for children such as storytellers, magicians, crafts, etc.” She also will continue being involved in community events such as raising social awareness to prevent domestic violence or fundraising for good causes.
More information about the Daily Grind or Sofie’s story can be found by contacting her online at Written by Anne Woodworth