Thursday, December 20, 2007


One day, Desmond came to a place in his life when he realized he needed something more. He recalls a time when it became clear to him that the traditional approach to church simply wasn't meeting his needs. During this time, it was not uncommon for him to feel frustrated and drained after attending worship. Attending New Hope, however, provided Desmond with a much needed breath of spiritual fresh air. The "come as you are" ministry emphasis of New Hope was a major drawing point for him, and he felt led by God to become a member.

Desmond believes that the diversity, warmth, and praise common in New Hope are a reflection of heaven. This enthusiastic member has not attended alone, but has brought family to the church several times. Children's church and the music in worship consistently connect with his family members when they visit.

Desmond describes New Hope as a "spirit-filled, loving, inclusive, diverse, people-oriented church." Here's a simplified translation: It's a place where you belong.

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