Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Spanish for Human Services Providers - The increase of non-English speaking residents is presenting a challenge to many human service providers. Command Spanish, Inc. through Howard Community College is an intense 6-week course to enable service providers to communicate more effectively with Spanish speaking clients. Fridays, February 29-April 4, 2008. 8:30am - 11:00am. Ecker Business Training Center. Columbia, MD. Cost: $175. Call ACS at 410.715.9545 for details.
Jumpstart Volunteerism! Many organizations dependon volunteers in a variety of ways. Their time, creativity and support can be critical to the success of your service delivery. Mickey Gomez, Director of Volunteer Center Serving Howard County will facility a discussion on resources that you can use to engage volunteers to support your mission. Monday, March 3, 2008. 1:00-2:30pm ACS Office. Call 410.715.9545 to make a reservation. Cost is free.
With barely one day's notice by e-mail to only a small portion of people, both New Hope and the Williamsport church brought in 4000 bars of soap in one day! This soap was loaded into the container with the well pipe that is being shipped over to Mozambique in just a few days. Thank you all for "scouring" under your sink cabinets, "cleaning" out the store shelves and "bubbling" over with such a wonderful response! What a great gift to go with the water we will help to supply to the people of Mozambique!
SPECIAL THANKS to all who participated in the "PIPE LOADING PARTY" in the New Hope parking lot on Sunday! Over 80 volunteers came out and loaded the 1668 pieces of well pipe (31,360 feet total) that will be used to drill as many as 120 water wells over in Mozambique. There were men, women and children, the youth and the "not-so-young", church members and non-church members who all united together to help the people of Mozambique! Pastors Newman and Roda were there welcoming people and meeting the ones they did not know. Excitement was in the air, as well as God's presence - it was a high day for all involved!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
massive Easter Egg Hunt for the local community. The hunt will follow a pancake breakfast for all ages at 9:30am and the Witness Easter Musical will follow at 11am.
We are asking for donations of easter eggs filled with candy during the next two weeks. They can be dropped off at the church during the weekend services or during that week during regular business hours. Please contact for details.
Order tickets for the Easter program by clicking here.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Pastor Newman Begins New Class
New Hope Pathfinders Rock!
The church is only as successful as its members. You have numerous opportunities to serve in ministry at New Hope. Here are a few:
- Writers wanted. Write short articles, interviews and cover events for New Hope. One article a month, approximately 250 words.
- Male singers needed. Tenors who can follow rhythm, have a strong desire to worship.
- Sponsor a pathfinder. Sponsor a pathfinder on their trip to Osh Kosh next year for the international pathfinder camporee.
- Social committee. Help plan special events and parties at New Hope. Must have good organizational skills, and recruiting ability.
- Looking for cooks. Cook a meal once a month for the worship leaders as they lead during both services.
- Minister in the nursery. Give a parent a break by serving in the child care once a month. You can make a huge difference.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Thursday, February 7, 2008
We have a LARS client who is staying in a local hotel until we can move her into one of our transitional housing apartment this coming Monday (2/11). She is a young woman with four very young children, including a 9 month girl, 21 month old boy, 6 year old boy, and a 7 year old girl. This young parent has no family in the area, and no friends. She pretty much has the clothes on their backs and little else. I have donated a toddler bed and mattress (crib size) for the 21 month old (and will gather some clothes for the 9 month old and 21 month old this weekend), but can you help?
We need:
A crib with a mattress;
Crib size sheets and blankets for 2 beds;
Two twin mattresses and box springs with bed frames;
Sheets and bedding for the two twin beds;
A bed for Mom and the bedding (depending on the size of the bed we can get for her);
Kitchen table and chairs;
Plates, silverware, pots and pans, glasses, cooking utensils;
Coffee and end tables;
Anything to make it feel like a home…
This family would also benefit from gift card to Target, Wal Mart (for clothing and household needs) or Giant. I say Giant specifically because they do not have transportation, and although it is a bit of a walk, the closest grocery store to where they will live is a Giant.
I regret that LARS does not have a vehicle that can be used to move furniture (we all just have our personal vehicles). Donations of the big household items would have to include delivery. We may be able to coordinate with another volunteer to do the delivery/pick-up, but not in the time frame of the need.
If you think you can help, please email or call the LARS transitional housing case manager, Lori Timlin. She can be reached at (301) 776-9170 or
We are very thankful for the support you provide to us. It makes a significant difference in the community.
With Thanks,
Nancy Graham, LCSW-C, Executive Director
Laurel Advocacy and Referral Services, Inc.
311 Laurel Avenue
Laurel, MD 20707
(301) 776-0442