Wednesday, February 27, 2008


With barely one day's notice by e-mail to only a small portion of people, both New Hope and the Williamsport church brought in 4000 bars of soap in one day! This soap was loaded into the container with the well pipe that is being shipped over to Mozambique in just a few days. Thank you all for "scouring" under your sink cabinets, "cleaning" out the store shelves and "bubbling" over with such a wonderful response! What a great gift to go with the water we will help to supply to the people of Mozambique!

SPECIAL THANKS to all who participated in the "PIPE LOADING PARTY" in the New Hope parking lot on Sunday! Over 80 volunteers came out and loaded the 1668 pieces of well pipe (31,360 feet total) that will be used to drill as many as 120 water wells over in Mozambique. There were men, women and children, the youth and the "not-so-young", church members and non-church members who all united together to help the people of Mozambique! Pastors Newman and Roda were there welcoming people and meeting the ones they did not know. Excitement was in the air, as well as God's presence - it was a high day for all involved!

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