Sunday, March 30, 2008


On Friday, March 28, Pastor Newman sent out an e-newsletter to the congregation. Newman explained his purpose for the correspondence, "The mission of this e-letter is to communicate my vision of where I believe God is leading this faith community. I also covet your feedback so this becomes a two-way conversation. While I hope you will agree with what I write please feel free to disagree without being disagreeable. I want our conversation to be vigorous yet courteous."

Read an excerpt:

Men's Small Group
I have been leading a small men's group for many years. We meet at 6:30 a.m. for one hour every Tuesday.

My present group has been meeting at Maplelawn but we will be moving to the Chesapeake Bagel Bakery in Olney, Maryland.. Brcause of work schedules there are some openings to be part of this group.

Our purpose is to encourage and strengthen the spiritual life of each person in the group. We do this through prayer and bible study with different books for resources.

If you are interested in being part of this group please email me at or give me a call on my cell phone: 301-922-5167.

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