Tuesday, March 4, 2008


The Maryland legislature is considering the passages of two bills, SB690 and HB1146, which if passed, would harm the work Laurel Pregnancy Center does.

These bills seek to impose disclaimers regarding the service they provide. If passed this bill, would require all Maryland crisis pregnancy centers to tell clients, among other things, "The information provided by the Center is not intended to be medical advice or to establish a doctor-patient relationship," and "The Center is not required to provide factually accurate information to clients." These statements imply we offer sub-standard care and worse, we lie. The Pregnancy Center believes these bills if passed will plant seeds of mistrust with the women and men they serve, and will directly impede the work they do, supporting pregnant women with a message which is life-affirming.

Hearings are scheduled in the next two weeks: SB690, Wednesday, March 5th at 1pm and HB1146, Friday, March 14th at 1pm.

They would ask that between now and the hearings you please send letters in opposition to the two bills.

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