Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Last week a large group of New Hope members met to plan the upcoming Living With Hope series. This series will be an interactive Bible Marking Experience designed especially for seekers and people new to Christianity.
The series is designed so that New Hope members will invite their unchurched friends and family to the Easter service, and the special post Easter series, Living With Hope.
During the meeting, Pastor Dave Gemmell casted the vision on how the series will go, and the great need for more small groups. So far we are short by a few small groups that will study corresponding support material, based on the series.
Are you in a Sabbath School class or small group sitting around in a circle about to fall asleep? Perhaps you should try teaching the 4th-5th grade Sabbath School who spend once a month learning to cook and experiment in the kitchen.
This group has been learning some bibical recipes, and trying out some of their own, with Monte and Gigi Jacobs. If you are lucky, sometimes you can get a small sample of their delicious creations.
Go Pathfinders Go!
The New Hope Pathfinder team has been working very hard for the upcoming Bible Bowl. The youth have been on a winning streak, and will be competing at the Union level this Saturday.
"We are so proud of these youth people," Pastor Ann Roda commmented, "They have been working and studying together for a long time...New Hope is known for alot of things, but I can't wait for people to discover that our kids are also known for their bible knowlege."
The church board voted to establish a search committee for a new Minister of Music. "We are very indebted to Lauri Preston for her service as the interim minister of music...but she is ready to hand over the reigns and we don't want to take advantage of her," Pastor Rajkumar Dixit said.
The search committee is due to convene within a couple weeks. If you have a suggestion for the position, please contact Pastor Dixit
Click here to read the Job Description
The search committee is due to convene within a couple weeks. If you have a suggestion for the position, please contact Pastor Dixit
Click here to read the Job Description
The auditorium makeover planning committee has been meeting with several companies to work out the details for the makeover. This week Little Mountain Production sent a preliminary drawing of the specs that the construction manager will need. After looking at the drawings, we noticed a few changes to recommend, such as widening a few back entrances that will make loading of equipment much easier in the future. Additionally, there the baptismal tank was missing from the drawing!
We also recieved a full proposoal from the technical company that will be working on the installation audio, lighting, and other technical equipment. Next week we will work on combining both proposals and develop a time line.
Krista Mainess was recently elected as the chairperson of the church board of New Hope Church. Read a short interview about her plan and vision for our church.
How long have you been attending New Hope?
Since 2005
What made you join New Hope?
We liked the seeker-friendly atmosphere. People are accepted the way they are at New Hope, the way God accepts each of us. Then, people are encouraged to grow and develop spiritually through various avenues, bible study, worship service, volunteering, special events (Easter Drama), small group, and the list goes on. There is something for everyone!
What is your dream for New Hope?
My dream is to see more members inspired to serve God through witnessing and volunteerism. The great commission says, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. And, lo, I am with you alway.... even unto the end of the world. Amen” Matthew 28:19-20 (KJV).
Volunteering means giving of ourselves, time, money, spiritual gifts, etc. the way Christ gave Himself for us.
What would you say to somebody who is thinking about becoming more involved in the church? I think everyone should become more involved in the church. God's church functions by His grace and through the members of the church. I believe God blesses those that are willing to be used by Him to bless others. When you become involved, you have the privilege of serving others and working with other like-minded people who have the same goal and desire to be caught up in the air with Christ! At one time I believed I was too busy with life to add one more thing to my plate but then I realized that Satan didn't want me to serve because blessings were involved. Then, it became a priority. I asked God, how can I serve you? Slowly but surely, my priorities changed and my energy went from serving everyone and thing around me (my agenda) to serving God!
What do you hope to accomplish as the board chair? I must say I am very humbled by this experience. Because of my own baggage and my sinful nature, I realize that I have to rely totally on Him. I don't have a personal agenda but I would like to see the church develop a strategic plan for the next five years, improve communications among church members and leaders, and increase the size of members willing to volunteer their time. If God blesses me to be part of any or all of these efforts, I will count it all joy!
How long have you been attending New Hope?
Since 2005
What made you join New Hope?
We liked the seeker-friendly atmosphere. People are accepted the way they are at New Hope, the way God accepts each of us. Then, people are encouraged to grow and develop spiritually through various avenues, bible study, worship service, volunteering, special events (Easter Drama), small group, and the list goes on. There is something for everyone!
What is your dream for New Hope?
My dream is to see more members inspired to serve God through witnessing and volunteerism. The great commission says, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. And, lo, I am with you alway.... even unto the end of the world. Amen” Matthew 28:19-20 (KJV).
Volunteering means giving of ourselves, time, money, spiritual gifts, etc. the way Christ gave Himself for us.
What would you say to somebody who is thinking about becoming more involved in the church? I think everyone should become more involved in the church. God's church functions by His grace and through the members of the church. I believe God blesses those that are willing to be used by Him to bless others. When you become involved, you have the privilege of serving others and working with other like-minded people who have the same goal and desire to be caught up in the air with Christ! At one time I believed I was too busy with life to add one more thing to my plate but then I realized that Satan didn't want me to serve because blessings were involved. Then, it became a priority. I asked God, how can I serve you? Slowly but surely, my priorities changed and my energy went from serving everyone and thing around me (my agenda) to serving God!
What do you hope to accomplish as the board chair? I must say I am very humbled by this experience. Because of my own baggage and my sinful nature, I realize that I have to rely totally on Him. I don't have a personal agenda but I would like to see the church develop a strategic plan for the next five years, improve communications among church members and leaders, and increase the size of members willing to volunteer their time. If God blesses me to be part of any or all of these efforts, I will count it all joy!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Podcast with the Head Elder
Timothy Atolagbe is the head lay pastor at New Hope Church. Listen to his interview on how the church leaders are planning their ministry at New Hope.
Cut Your Grocery Bill In Half!
Calvary Community Church is participating with Angel Food to help residents in the community stretch their grocery bill:
We are very excited to announce that you can now order Angel Food online just click "cut your food bills in half" under the Links section, and follow the instructions.
Angel Food is an organization that offers quality food monthly, at a much reduced cost to consumers. This is for anyone, you do not have to be a member of our church to participate. Angel Food does such a high volume, they get really great prices.
You may pay by debit or credit MC/VISA and do not have to have a paypal account.
We are now accepting orders for March. There is a monthly "menu" and a monthly delivery to Calvary Community Church.
You may still order and pay by cash, check and we now accept food stamps, in the lobby of Calvary Community Church on Sundays from 10-1pm. (We can not accept debit or credit cards in the lobby.)
The deadline for online ordering is this Sunday, March 15, by 6pm
The deadline for lobby ordering is this Sunday, March 15, by 1pm
Anyone can order Angel Food and there are no limits or restrictions to the quantity or type of boxes you can purchase. Please feel free to forward this information to friends and family to help them save money too!
The food will not be delivered to you, you must pick up at Calvary Community Church, 9180 Rumsey Rd, Columbia, MD 21045, 410-381-5200, on Saturday, March 28th, 2009 from 12:30-1:30pm.
New Hope Member (Almost) Lost At Sea
A Message from Chris Howell
Well today was one of the most exciting days of my life... certainly a day I will NEVER forget!!! I went out sailing today in a small (13.5 ft.) sailboat on the large lagoon in Majuro Atoll (Marshall Islands). I was a couple of miles out to sea and was having an absolute blast! But all of a sudden a large gust of wind came up and blew my boat over. This in and of itself was not such a big deal, but it did cause a problem as I lost my sunglasses, suntan lotion, my only bottle of water on the boat, and my favorite t-shirt! But I knew how to go about righting a sailboat that's tipped over. I swam under the boat and retrieved the main sheet (main rope that is used for controlling the boom) and the wooden centerboard (the centerboard is the device that's used to prevent the boat from drifting sideways when moving through the water). I inserted the centerboard in its slot and then used the main sheet to pull myself up on the hull of the upside down boat. I then put my body weight against the centerboard to cause the hull to twist toward me, thus "prying it" out of the water. Once the hull began to right itself, I shifted one foot onto the centerboard while I stood on the hull with my other foot and pulled on the mainsheet. This managed to right to the boat, but since it was flooded with water it promptly flipped back over again. Now this wouldn't be such a big deal except that I was a couple of miles out at sea with no one around to help me out! And to make matters worse, I knew that I was in shark waters.
I continued my attempts to right the boat, and could tell that I was utilizing the correct tactics, because the boat was attempting to right itself. I once again repeated my maneuvers and managed to right the boat once again. This time I remained in the water and attempted to bail out the water that had flooded the cockpit using my hands (since my bailing device had also floated away when the boat capsized). Once I got enough water out of the boat to help raise the waterline I held onto the main sheet and hauled myself back in to the cockpit. Now I was back in the boat and once again in control, but the boat was now in irons.
A sailboat that's in "irons" is a situation where you are facing directly into the wind, and the sails are unable to catch the wind to propel the boat. This situation is usually corrected by giving the tiller (rudder) a swift turn with your hand to cause the boat to shift position, thus enabling the sails to catch the wind. I had done this a couple of times earlier in the day with good success. But this time when I tried to use the tiller to shift the position of the boat, the tiller broke in half back at the rudder mount. Now I was in real trouble with no way to steer or control the boat!
My first thought was that I needed t o remain calm, because panicking would only make the situation worse and prevent me from being able to think clearly and rationally.
I focused on keeping my breathing and my heart rate under control so that I could remain calm and collected (at least as much as possible).
I was now drifting alone at sea with no rudder to control the boat. I attempted to lash the tiller handle to the top of the rudder mount, but there wasn't enough exposed area on the tiller to be to affix it to the rudder assembly. I was left with no choice but to drift.
I could still see land, but I was definitely too far to be able to attempt to swim to shore, and I wasn't real comfortable with the idea of being in the water with the sharks around. I'm really not one to be afraid of sharks, but I prefer being able to see them rather than having them come up from down in the deep toward me.
I decided to reef the sail to cut down on the speed of the boat. I also cleated the main sheet as my hands were getting sore from trying to hold it. I was able to guide the boat somewhat by using the centerboard as a makeshift rudder, but fatigue would soon set in and I was forced to bring the centerboard in to rest my arms. I was making slight progress at getting back to the island, but was also being driven downwind toward the open sea. I saw a boat passing in the distance, but it was too far to be able to see me or hear me whistling or shouting. So I focused on just keeping the boat on a steady course and bailing out the water that was quickly accumulating in the cockpit from the ever-increasing waves. My biggest concern was just to be able to keep the boat right sided since I was now in deeper waters with much bigger waves. If I capsized again, I could likely right the boat, but this required great effort and I didn't want to exhaust myself. Plus the extra energy would increase my need for water to drink which I no longer had. Interestingly enough, the words of one of my favorite songs "Man In The Wilderness" (the source of my email address) contains the lyrics, "I'm dying of thirst in the middle of the ocean". Now I was not dying of thirst. Not even close. Nor was I in the middle of the ocean. But the song kept going through my head...
I was doing fairly well at keeping the boat steady and in an upright position. Again, this was my biggest challenge since I really had no way to control the boat. I drifted in the lagoon for about two hours, focusing on keeping the boat upright and dry.
Finally, after about 2 hours of drifting in this condition, I saw a small boat approaching me in the distance. I dropped the sails and stood up waving the centerboard in my arms to attract the attention of the captain. The boat had about 5 Marshallese men in it who were returning from a dive trip, and one of them spotted me. They steered their boat over to me and quickly identified my dilemma when they saw the broken tiller in my hand.
They pulled along side of me and I climbed into their boat and we hooked a rope onto the sailboat and towed it back to the area that I had set sail from.
I was safe, but it certainly made for an interesting adventure!
I'm glad that I was able to keep a level head through this situation. If I had panicked I might not have been so fortunate!
Life's definitely an adventure! So what's next???
Well today was one of the most exciting days of my life... certainly a day I will NEVER forget!!! I went out sailing today in a small (13.5 ft.) sailboat on the large lagoon in Majuro Atoll (Marshall Islands). I was a couple of miles out to sea and was having an absolute blast! But all of a sudden a large gust of wind came up and blew my boat over. This in and of itself was not such a big deal, but it did cause a problem as I lost my sunglasses, suntan lotion, my only bottle of water on the boat, and my favorite t-shirt! But I knew how to go about righting a sailboat that's tipped over. I swam under the boat and retrieved the main sheet (main rope that is used for controlling the boom) and the wooden centerboard (the centerboard is the device that's used to prevent the boat from drifting sideways when moving through the water). I inserted the centerboard in its slot and then used the main sheet to pull myself up on the hull of the upside down boat. I then put my body weight against the centerboard to cause the hull to twist toward me, thus "prying it" out of the water. Once the hull began to right itself, I shifted one foot onto the centerboard while I stood on the hull with my other foot and pulled on the mainsheet. This managed to right to the boat, but since it was flooded with water it promptly flipped back over again. Now this wouldn't be such a big deal except that I was a couple of miles out at sea with no one around to help me out! And to make matters worse, I knew that I was in shark waters.
I continued my attempts to right the boat, and could tell that I was utilizing the correct tactics, because the boat was attempting to right itself. I once again repeated my maneuvers and managed to right the boat once again. This time I remained in the water and attempted to bail out the water that had flooded the cockpit using my hands (since my bailing device had also floated away when the boat capsized). Once I got enough water out of the boat to help raise the waterline I held onto the main sheet and hauled myself back in to the cockpit. Now I was back in the boat and once again in control, but the boat was now in irons.
A sailboat that's in "irons" is a situation where you are facing directly into the wind, and the sails are unable to catch the wind to propel the boat. This situation is usually corrected by giving the tiller (rudder) a swift turn with your hand to cause the boat to shift position, thus enabling the sails to catch the wind. I had done this a couple of times earlier in the day with good success. But this time when I tried to use the tiller to shift the position of the boat, the tiller broke in half back at the rudder mount. Now I was in real trouble with no way to steer or control the boat!
My first thought was that I needed t o remain calm, because panicking would only make the situation worse and prevent me from being able to think clearly and rationally.
I focused on keeping my breathing and my heart rate under control so that I could remain calm and collected (at least as much as possible).
I was now drifting alone at sea with no rudder to control the boat. I attempted to lash the tiller handle to the top of the rudder mount, but there wasn't enough exposed area on the tiller to be to affix it to the rudder assembly. I was left with no choice but to drift.
I could still see land, but I was definitely too far to be able to attempt to swim to shore, and I wasn't real comfortable with the idea of being in the water with the sharks around. I'm really not one to be afraid of sharks, but I prefer being able to see them rather than having them come up from down in the deep toward me.
I decided to reef the sail to cut down on the speed of the boat. I also cleated the main sheet as my hands were getting sore from trying to hold it. I was able to guide the boat somewhat by using the centerboard as a makeshift rudder, but fatigue would soon set in and I was forced to bring the centerboard in to rest my arms. I was making slight progress at getting back to the island, but was also being driven downwind toward the open sea. I saw a boat passing in the distance, but it was too far to be able to see me or hear me whistling or shouting. So I focused on just keeping the boat on a steady course and bailing out the water that was quickly accumulating in the cockpit from the ever-increasing waves. My biggest concern was just to be able to keep the boat right sided since I was now in deeper waters with much bigger waves. If I capsized again, I could likely right the boat, but this required great effort and I didn't want to exhaust myself. Plus the extra energy would increase my need for water to drink which I no longer had. Interestingly enough, the words of one of my favorite songs "Man In The Wilderness" (the source of my email address) contains the lyrics, "I'm dying of thirst in the middle of the ocean". Now I was not dying of thirst. Not even close. Nor was I in the middle of the ocean. But the song kept going through my head...
I was doing fairly well at keeping the boat steady and in an upright position. Again, this was my biggest challenge since I really had no way to control the boat. I drifted in the lagoon for about two hours, focusing on keeping the boat upright and dry.
Finally, after about 2 hours of drifting in this condition, I saw a small boat approaching me in the distance. I dropped the sails and stood up waving the centerboard in my arms to attract the attention of the captain. The boat had about 5 Marshallese men in it who were returning from a dive trip, and one of them spotted me. They steered their boat over to me and quickly identified my dilemma when they saw the broken tiller in my hand.
They pulled along side of me and I climbed into their boat and we hooked a rope onto the sailboat and towed it back to the area that I had set sail from.
I was safe, but it certainly made for an interesting adventure!
I'm glad that I was able to keep a level head through this situation. If I had panicked I might not have been so fortunate!
Life's definitely an adventure! So what's next???
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Living With Hope Lunch Meeting
Luncheon and Training on March 14
You're invited to a Living With Hope luncheon and training event this Sabbath, March 14. The lunch table will be open from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. so there will be food for both first and second service attendees. Not only will you get a free lunch but you will receive an advance copy of the Bible, felt tip pens, and Bible study guides. You'll have everything you need to be a Living With Hope small group leader or support staff. If you haven't RSVPd yet shoot me an email reply so we know how to plan.
Who should attend?
* Adult and Youth Sabbath School Teachers
* Small Group Leaders and Assistants
* Anyone interested in learning how to be a small group leader
* Helpers for Registration Table
* Helpers for Recruitment booth
* Anyone who enjoys Bible Study
* Anyone who wants to know how to share their journey of faith
About Living With Hope
...Stock Market has tanked...
Foreclosures everywhere...
Life savings wiped out...
Unemployment rate highest since the depression...
Is there any hope?
On April 18 New Hope will open the doors to the community to join with us in our search for hope. For eight weeks our worship services and small groups will passionately pursue God in a systematic study of the Bible.
What Can I do right now?
Jesus says that the harvest is ripe.
1) Pray for more workers.
2) Pray that God will lead you to people who are looking for hope.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Forgive to Live Seminar
Forgive to Live Seminar
Begins Wednesday March 18 at 7:00 pm.
Concludes May 13 (9 weeks)
Taught by Pastor J. David Newman
Many have tried forgiveness before and failed. This is typically due to a lack of understanding and practical tools on how to forgive. This seminar will teach you to:
* Come to a new understanding of what has happened to you
* Discover what forgiveness does and doesn't mean
* Take steps to reframe your grievance story
* Stop giving control to the people and pains of the past
* Get your life - and maybe even your health - back
* Find freedom, peace…and strength you've never had
* Learn the 7 strategies for dealing with anger that DON'T work
* Understand the physiological mechanisms which can cause high blood pressure and
other stress related diseases
* Benefit from forgiveness no matter what the other person's response
* Learn to overcome the 4 barriers to forgiveness
* Find a new way of dealing with anger so it doesn't come out in unhealthy ways
like road rage, yelling at loved ones, or losing one's temper with coworkers
* Discover 5 healthy expressions of anger
Forgive to Live textbook $22.99 and the Forgive to Live workbook $13.99. You can buy them at the Potomac ABC or from
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